Etosha - Place of Dreams

Welcome to Etosha National Park, where disappointment and dust go hand in hand! As you arrive at this renowned destination, you might find yourself wondering if you've stumbled upon a car race rather than a peaceful wildlife sanctuary. With cars zooming by at 60kph, it's no wonder that the air is constantly filled with a cloud of dust. Forget about having a picturesque safari experience - here, it's all about dodging dust particles!

But wait, there's more! The facilities at Etosha National Park are not exactly top-notch. In fact, they might leave you feeling less than impressed. Prepare yourself for encounters with public toilets that could easily be mistaken for scenes from a horror movie. Yes, they are that disgusting! It seems like the park management missed the memo on cleanliness and basic hygiene.

And if you were hoping to enjoy a lovely picnic amidst nature's beauty, think again. Etosha National Park seems to have forgotten the importance of providing ample picnic spots for its visitors. You'll be lucky to find even just a handful of them scattered around.

All in all, it appears that bad management is the culprit behind these disappointing experiences. But hey, look on the bright side - at least you'll have some amusing stories to share once you escape the clutches of Etosha's dusty chaos!

Cheers for now from a dusty and very hot Etosha, I hope the next blog will be filled with exciting animal action.



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